Stream movies, TV, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, or music to your computer or mobile device.

hooplaboxhoopla is the library’s streaming media service. As long as you have an internet connection, you can instantly view movies or television episodes, read ebooks or comics, or listen to audiobooks or music albums.

Get the hoopla app →

Note: You must create an account with hoopla before using the app.

Create your hoopla account →

Get your streaming media

Note: Copies are always available, but you will be limited to 10 total titles borrowed per month
  • Get started by registering for an account. You will need to have a valid city resident library card
  • Choose Spokane Public Library as your library
  • Enter your email address, create a password, and enter your library card number (with no spaces) and PIN
  • Once you are registered, you can sign in to your account. Click on your email address to change your settings, including whether you want notifications from hoopla. You can also access your borrowing history and set up automatic recommendations
  • Browse for movies, television episodes, audiobooks, ebooks, comics, and music albums. You can also search for specific titles or authors
  • When you choose a title, you can borrow it immediately or add it to a list of favorites for later. For videos, you will be prompted to download viewing software the first time you use the service
  • Anything you check out will be listed under My Titles until the borrowing term expires. You can access your titles from multiple devices using the hoopla app

Tips for using hoopla

Please ask a librarian, call the library at 444-5336, or come in and see us if you have questions.

  • Check out times for hoopla materials:
    • Movies and television episodes – 3 days (48 hours for a few very popular titles)
    • Music albums – 7 days
    • Ebooks, audiobooks, and comics – 21 days
  • If you do not finish viewing your title in the time allowed, you can check it out again, but that will count against your 10 monthly checkouts
  • hoopla’s lending day ends at 5:00 pm Pacific time. This is the cutoff time for lending for the day as well as the month. On the last day of the month, the new month begins at 5:01 pm Pacific time and will reset your circulation limit to the new month
  • You must be connected to the internet when using hoopla on a laptop or pc, but you can temporarily download your titles when using the app on a mobile device so that you can view them when not connected
  • Read hoopla’s Support page for more details

hoopla tutorial videos

  • See hoopla’s YouTube channel for help on getting started with particular devices