2017 Library Levy
Update 4/25/2017 8:15 pm:
The results are in and we are excited to announce what looks like a victory for library funding for the next 7 years. Today’s voter approval of the Measure 1 Library Levy renewal by 70.8% is a testament to what truly keeps the library relevant in today’s changing times: the people, both our customers and our staff. It is a clear declaration that what we are doing is valued by the citizens of Spokane.
The library thrives only with the support of the citizens it serves. We at the library are sincerely grateful to the people of Spokane for your loyal and continued patronage. We look forward to serving you for the years to come, offering the services you expect and adding new, exciting services to meet the changing needs of the community and the world.
Thank you.
In February 2013, Spokane citizens passed a levy lid lift with 66.17% approval. As a result of that vote, the library has provided expanded operations and services to the community since January 2014.
On April 25, 2017, voters will be asked to approve or reject City of Spokane Measure No. 1, which renews the existing levy lid lift for the Spokane Public Library regarding expanded Library operations and services. If renewed, the levy lid lift will continue the existing levy at the current rate for a duration of seven years (2018–2024).
Expanded Operations since 2013
Download 2017 Library Levy Information Sheet
Impact of Library Levy Renewal
If the levy renewal PASSES:
The Library will continue the expanded operations and services put in place with the passage of the original levy lid lift in 2013, including:
• Expanded days and hours of operation
• Expanded reading, learning and technology services
• Expanded purchase of books, eBooks and other resources
If the levy renewal FAILS:
The Library will experience diminished operations, including:
• Reduced days and hours of service
• Reduced access to reading, learning and technology services
• Reduced access to books, eBooks and other education resources
Cost of Library Levy Renewal
For a $100,000 home this is approximately $7 per year.
For a $200,000 home this is approximately $14 per year.
Revenue Sources at a glance

Expenditures at a glance

If you have any questions please contact the Spokane Public Library Director, Andrew Chanse, at director@spokanelibrary.org or 509.444.5305