Candy Huddleston worked for the Spokane Public Library for 14 years and retired in August 2014. She worked most of it at the Downtown Library, starting as a Page shelving books, and then in Circulation checking them out to patrons. She worked a year at South Hill & Hillyard when the Library’s hours were cut in 2005, but came back to the Reference Department Downtown in 2006. She now has plenty of time to continue her love of quilting. She talks here about her passion for quilts.
“Even though I had Grandmothers on both sides of my family who quilted, I was never interested in quilting while they were alive (unfortunately). I DO own quilts that were made by both of them, along with one from my mother’s grandmother. I guess this means quilting runs in my genes.”
“In 1988, I joined Washington State Quilters and haven’t looked back since. Friendships abound when you are surrounded by others with the same interests who can provide valuable feedback to you on your quilt ideas. I tend to like those ideas that result in humorous quilts, as is evident in this display. And, your inspirations can come from all around you if you just LOOK.”
“I hope you enjoy these quilts and thanks for looking!”