Explore different resources to assist with studying and completing homework assignments for kids, teens, and college students.
Welcome to the Library, Spokane Public Schools students! By logging in with your student credentials, you have access to all of Spokane Public Library’s online and physical information.
Find job search and workplace skills improvement; reading, writing, math, and basic science skill building; career certification and license exam prep; high school equivalency, college, and grad school entrance test prep.
Searchable eBooks for teens that provide introductory information and support resources on health, finance, personal growth, and important social issues.
An engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on a wide array of subjects.
Find answers to your questions, practice research skills, and explore interests inside and outside the classroom, while accessing hundreds of age-appropriate eBooks.
Discover international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.
Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues using different sources.
Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more.
Find articles, topic overviews, statistics, and primary documents that show pro and con arguments for controversial topics.
Find articles, images, videos, and experiments on a variety of scientific topics.
Primary literary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis, and biographies of world writers from all time periods.
Find full-text literary works, including poems, short stories, novels, essays, speeches, and plays.
Choose from thousands of online courses to learn in-demand skills from real-world industry experts. Get started for free with your library card.
Learn over 150 languages, including English for foreign language speakers, with special courses for children and health care workers.
Explore cultural and geographic fact sheets on countries, states, and Canadian provinces.
Digitized versions of The Spokesman-Review newspaper (from 2010 to three months before today’s date), including classified ads and photos.
A multidisciplinary database designed for students and educators at high schools, community colleges, and four-year universities providing valuable context for research topics.
Journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, such as research studies, women’s health, nutrition, and diseases
Discover digital versions Spokane’s historic newspapers, including The Spokesman-Review from 1883 to 2009, and the Spokane Chronicle from 1890 to 1992.
Provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest and most inclusive general reference databases available.
Get homework help with animals, countries, social issues, or famous people with topic overviews and eBooks for elementary and middle school students.
With thousands of articles, multimedia content, and a collection of biographies, World Book Kids is designed to encourage young learners to be curious.
Find the full text of The World Book Encyclopedia along with daily current events, assessment tools for educators, and dedicated resource guides to provide blueprints for advanced learning and college and career readiness.
Explore the history of the world through World Book’s Timelines, including creating your own personalized timeline.