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Before this ‘stay at home’ time, I would go to craft supply stores to find inspiration from the beautiful paints and papers displayed, but now I find myself looking at what I have right in front of me. I tried to find different ways to use my supplies, ways in which they weren’t originally made for. My favorite medium is watercolor, but what else could I use as watercolor? Markers! Just scribble some on a plate, add water, and paint away!

This is a great time to experiment with what you have at home! Art can provide some relief from stress. If you have a pack of markers lying around, give it a try! You don’t need to be a professional artist, draw or paint abstract shapes or patterns if you want. The point is to focus on the creation. All you need are water based, non-toxic markers, preferably a white ceramic plate (plastic will do), a cup for water, a brush (maybe a makeup brush), and some paper. I scribbled quite a bit onto the plate before adding water. Tip: do not stick your marker in water directly or you may ruin your marker! You can also try experiment with food coloring too.